Saturday, 25 July 2015

Cleanse Away!

Hi Everyone!  Welcome to my blog!

So, today I'm gonna talk about cleansing. If you don't do this, then don't even think of your skin. Obviously,  everyone cleanses their least..twice daily. But, think again. Are you doing it right? Do you still have acne or any other skin problems even after washing twice daily? You probably are using the wrong products or you're doing it completely in the wrong way.  So I'll be telling you guys the right way to cleanse.

Step 1. Make sure that you have removed all your makeup from your face.  You Don't wanna wash a face full of makeup. It will partly Remove the appearance of your makeup but not completely. So remove your makeup first. Use a good quality makeup remover or makeup remover wipes. If you have sensitive skin or if you don't wanna use harsh chemicals on your skin(I don't wanna. :P) use extra virgin olive oil to remove your makeup by gently massaging your face directly using your fingers or, you can use cotton pads.

Step 2. Open up your pores. After removing your makeup, just rinse off the oil or makeup remover with water. Then place a hot towel on your face and press. Rub slightly to remove any residue of makeup remover or oil.  The hot towel will open up your pores. Don't use very hot towel that it burns your face...

Step 3. Now that your pores are open, it's time to cleanse the bad boys. Use a cleanser or a face wash that suits you the best. There are different kinds of cleansers for different skin types. So choose one that suits your skin. Your cleanser may also depend on the weather of the area you're living in.
If you have oily skin use an oil free cleanser or a water based one. If you have dry skin then use one which has essential oils in it and heavy moisturizing duties and has cream base consistency.  If you have combination skin, use a foaming face wash. You might also want to change your cleanser depending on the humidity and all that. ..

  You can use your fingers to wash your face but using a face brush works the best. You can use a toothbrush as an alternative.  In anyway,  use what works the best for you.

Step 4. The finishing step. Always finish off with a cold water rinse. This will close your pores tight. Make sure you washed everything properly not leaving behind any cleanser residue. Pat dry with a towel gently and don't rub or tug your face or it will spread with bacteria.

General Tips
* Wash your face twice/thrice daily. Once when you wake up and once before going to bed for best results.
* Always start off with hot water and finish off with a cold water rinse. This is a great pore exercise.  Closing your pores tight will help prevent sweating and excess oil.
* Keep changing your cleanser every 2-3 months or your skin may get used to it and get sensitive to other products and brands.
* Make sure to wash your hands with an antibacterial soap before washing your face because at the end of the day, your hands are the most dirtiest part of your body and you don't wanna transfer all the bacteria to your face.

I hope you found the post helpful. If you did, share it with your friends and give a +1.
I'll see you soon.
Take care.


  1. I like it being so descriptive. Nice post. You motivated me for adopting a proper cleansing routine that I'm trying for so many months. Haha. Thanks.

  2. Thanks for sharing great skin care tips dear.loved your post.
